According to the research, men are more likely to die from a drug overdose than women are. In addition, this is the case for just about all types of drugs, not just one particular drug. There may be various reasons for this to happen. Men may not seek out help as quickly as women. Men tend to take greater risks and take too much of a drug at one time when compared to women. Whatever the reason, more lives will be saved from a mens residential treatment program in Florida. By offering mens addiction treatment, there is hope that some men will take advantage of the opportunity to turn their lives around.
Benefits of a Mens Residential Treatment Program in Florida
At a South Florida residential treatment center for men, you will discover the benefits of having a high-quality, gender-exclusive program. Some studies show that men refuse help because they think it will make them appear weak. Gender stereotypes play into this type of thinking, but by having a men’s only program men will feel more relaxed to share their concerns. Furthermore, some men who would not have normally sought help will feel freer to do so and it can make all the difference in their lives.
Elements of a Residential Program for Men
At a residential addiction treatment center in Florida, you will go through detox in a safe, comfortable environment. Professional experts who understand your situation and want you to be successful will provide for your care. In addition, as you go through detox there will be other men in the same situation.
During detox, the expert medical staff ensures that you will have the nourishment you need to become physically strong and healthy again. In addition, doctors check on you regularly to see if you are doing well or if you need anything. They will take your heart rate and other vital statistics to ensure you are recuperating from withdrawal in a healthy manner. The early stages of recovery can be extremely dangerous and it is important for doctors to do everything they can to ensure a successful detox.
Many residential programs also have therapy integrated into the rehab, while others focus primarily on the detox. All programs, however, will bring therapy into the experience at some point whether it is on-site or referred out afterward. Therapy is a critical part of healing for men in treatment. Some therapy programs that are helpful in the journey to healing include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Dialectical behavioral therapy
- Trauma therapy
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Family therapy
By being with others in a mens rehab center will help you feel less isolated and more connected to a greater whole.
Start Your Journey to Freedom From Addiction
Take that first step today and find the happiness and peace you crave. By reaching out to a mens residential treatment program in Florida, you are taking control of your destiny. Contact for more information, and we will help get you on the right pathway.